Curriculum Examples
Whether adapting existing materials or creating new custom content, our materials support teachers and students as they build dynamic classrooms.

Inquiry-Based Learning
Materials are aligned to inquiry pedagogies and the C3 Framework, with compelling questions, rigorous inquiry skill development, and authentic source work.

Instructional Guidance
Instructional guidance is organized to support teacher use and adaptation.
Connections to students and local communities
Instructional guidance that is clear, concise, but not overly-scripted
Call-out boxes to support teachers’ questioning and discussion facilitation
Disciplinary sources, contextualized for the curriculum, including local sources
Civic Engagement
We connect learning to opportunities for civic engagement by applying learning to authentic civic spaces.

Aligned to the C3 Framework's Taking Informed Action indicators, we provide guidance (and options) to inspire teachers and their students as they take action on the issues relevant to them.
Design Features
Teacher as Co-Curriculum Maker: curricular materials are designed to intentionally cultivate teachers’ content and pedagogical expertise, while not taking away their power or professional judgment.
Modularity: allows teachers to use material to supplement their existing curriculum or combine the different modules to create a core curriculum
Community Co-Design: created with teachers and disciplinary experts

Framework Alignment
Materials reflect alignment to standards and appropriate frameworks, including to civic engagement and culturally sustaining pedagogy attributes.

Pacing & Modifications
Guidance for course planning and sequencing, as well as modifications to support teacher enactment throughout materials.

Intellectual Preparation
Intellectual Preparation resources succinctly provide teachers the academic grounding of the resources to help explain the disciplinary challenge, provide teacher reflection questions, additional resources, and other grounding information before they begin teaching.
Disciplinary Sources
Disciplinary sources are excerpted, annotated and modified/scaffolded, based upon students’ needs. Sources may include locally relevant materials.

Modifications allow teachers to decide how to scaffold sources for their students.
See the fully inquiry here: What makes "equality" equal?