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Humanizing Pedagogy

Innovators, reformers and systems leaders have poured resources and attention into reforming our education systems in order for that system to better meet the goals of modern society. Significant attention has been paid to the curriculum, and how high-quality materials can be a lever for improvement. With new models having been tested at scale and for some time, it is time for a critical consideration of the ideas about high-quality materials, particularly concerning what we believe to be best for students and teachers.

  • Are there ways to center the needs of these two most important stakeholders, where they have been previously diminished?

  • Is there a next iteration of high-quality instructional materials?

  • What contribution might new research on approaches that yield outsized impacts make to our ongoing conversation about curriculum? 

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How do we design for humanizing pedagogies?

CommonGood is actively engaged in building an AI-based platform to put these principles into action on a mass scale. Find out how we're applying these ideas in a Collaborative AI design process.

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